Friday, 17 March 2023



I have recently linked up with Jerne World's leading platform connecting creators and experiences - Jerne  in order to connect with organisations with a view to reviewing their product, be it Hotel, Spa, Cruise Ship, Restaurant or any other form of leisure activity. However, I am still open to independent offers from anyone in the leisure business, please either comment below or email me on  I am also on Linkedin, Facebook and twitter: @robertlidster


I have also recently completed some on-line training with  Home - Swiss Travel System Media & Trade Plattform (  learning about the Swiss travel system, and I have obtained a Diploma of Excellence 2023. I hope to put all this new found knowledge to good use on this blog very soon.

I hope to have some new reviews for you all very soon, in the meantime please look back at the many reviews previously posted on this blog, you can search for anything of interest using the search bar, 

Very best regards

Robert M Lidster