Saturday, 15 July 2023



One of the longest and personally involved journeys that I have ever undertaken was in May and June 2010 when I travelled through France, Germany and Poland. The reason for my trip was to follow the route that my father, Ernest William Lidster, had taken in 1940 during World War Two. Along with his regiment, The Royal Signals, he had landed in Cherbourg and made his way to Lille. Just outside of Lille my father's regiment engaged with German forces, my father managed to escape and make his way to Saint Valery where he and some other men tried to escape France by boat. Unfortunately, my father was then captured and after some time in the military hospital in Lille, he was taken to the prisoner of war camps in Lamsdorf where he spent the rest of the war. 

Following my own journey, I wrote a book "In My Father's Footsteps" which I published as an e-book on Amazon Kindle. The book describes my own journey and the discoveries that I found along the way. The book is currently on special promotion on Amazon until 21st July 2023. You can view the offer by following this link: In My Father's Footsteps eBook : Lidster, Robert: Kindle Store

I hope you enjoy reading about this very personal journey.

Robert M Lidster